In an odd twist of life on Earth, we humans have been so successful at making our physical lives easier that we now suffer from diseases of underuse. For example, our muscles and bones evolved in a context of greater daily exertion. Now that stimulus is much reduced thanks to modern conveniences, so we end up more susceptible to osteoporosis. Scientists call this an evolutionary mismatch.

Fortunately, culture evolves much more quickly than biology, so we can take steps to counteract these mismatches. Perhaps that is part of why yoga studios exist? Yoga and related mindbody arts can help provide what our biology expects but our modern environment no longer offers, and cushion us from novel stresses for which our physiology is unprepared.

We are pround to offer the most extensive yoga therapy programming in Chicago.  We can offer sliding scale rates for any workshop or event.  Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll work something out.

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