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Grateful Yoga wants to make it affordable to practice several times a week, so we offer the Sustaining Membership - unlimited attendance in drop-in classes + 15% discount on events + access to audio class archive. Come twice a week and pay $11/class!

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Who really needs more stuff? And who doesn't need yoga? Printed cards and email-able PDF's available.

For the next months we will explore the 5 yamas, or ethical practices, of classical yoga. For a general introduction, read more here.

The first and most fundamental yama is ahimsa, "to not kill or harm." Richard Freeman comments:

Perhaps a more accurate way to translate ahimsa is as "kindness" or "love," which could be considered the epitome of not harming; through yoga we cultivate the capacity to not harm others by offering kindness.  


As we dive into yoga practice, we begin to notice that whenever we have placed another being outside of our heart -- when we have behaved without kindness -- we experience an underlying discontent, a deep sense of suffering that tends to color all of our experience, leaving us feeling guarded, overprotected, empty and unfulfilled.  Therefore the initial practice of yoga is to place back into our heart that which really matters, which turns out to be all sentient beings, whether they are human or not -- animals, creatures, or even imaginary life-forms.  When all are located in the core of the heart, we find that the rest of the yoga practices not only clearly make sense, but that they are deeply satisfying and also that they are actually quite easy to carry out.  Conversely, when we have placed even one seemingly insignificant being outside of the heart, we find that no matter what we do, the yoga practice essentially does not work; we are agitated, distracted, unhappy, or unsatisfied...  Ahimsa, therefore, is at the root of all relationships because as soon as we are able to reconcile our vision of others, thereby resolving our vision of what and who we actually are, then the yoga practices start to bear fruit and quite naturally manifest as happiness.  (The Mirror of Yoga, pg 64-65)

There is an ongoing debate in the yoga world whether it is possible to practice ahimsa while eating meat.  Grateful Yoga favors individiual discernment on this issue, and all others!  For a taste of the discourse, check out this article by Sadie Nardini.

 What is my pathway to health?

How do I access tranquility during tumultuous times?

How do I make the most of this precious life?

You may have heard that yoga will help you feel better
in your body. This is true! But it's also just the beginning.

Simple, enjoyable movement brings your body into balance.
Pain and tension begin to dissipate.
You feel more alive and awake, prepared to
act with confidence and clarity.

It's common to feel too busy or out of shape to join a class -
yet this is precisely why it's beneficial to come!

Yoga is a priceless investment in your long-term happiness.
You leave each class feeling more at ease in your body,
less bothered by stress, and more present to joy.

Here you will be welcomed into a community that
accepts you and supports your desire to grow.
Our highly-trained teachers will safely challenge and inspire you.

This humble studio can be your urban sanctuary -
the place you come to remember who you are
and who you want to become.

Welcome to Grateful Yoga

  • Warrior 2 / Virabhadrasana Dwi


  • A diagram of the mind according to Vedantic philosophy


  • Assisted savanasa


  • Chair / Utkatasana


  • Supported savasana

    Looking inward

  • Pranayama instruction
