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Walk-ins are possible but reservations strongly recommended.

Become a Sustaining Member

Grateful Yoga wants to make it affordable to practice several times a week, so we offer the Sustaining Membership - unlimited attendance in drop-in classes + 15% discount on events + access to audio class archive. Come twice a week and pay $11/class!

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Fire (agni) is a metaphor for spiritual transformation, the force that transmutes the unknown into the known, obstacles into awakenings, the mundane into the sacred. Fire practices point towards the final destination of yoga - experiential knowledge of the Mystery.  No dogmatic lectures here - just possibilities to be tested with first-hand experience.

This theme comes last in our yearly curriculum, as it draws on the physical and mental stability of Earth and Moon practices, and the energetic expansion and sensitivity that comes from Sun practice.  Classes will include more opportunities for self-reflection and longer (5-10 minute) meditations.  

Learn more about our year-long syllabus here.

Some suggested reading:

The Mirror of Yoga: Awakening the Intelligence of Body and Mind by Richard Freeman

New Self New World: Recovering Our Senses in the Twenty-first Century by Philip Shepherd

Touching Enlightenment: Finding Realization in the Body by Reginald Ray

Be Here Now by Ram Das

A Gradual Awakening by Stephen Levine

Meditation for the Love of It by Sally Kempton

 What is my pathway to health?

How do I access tranquility during tumultuous times?

How do I make the most of this precious life?

You may have heard that yoga will help you feel better
in your body. This is true! But it's also just the beginning.

Simple, enjoyable movement brings your body into balance.
Pain and tension begin to dissipate.
You feel more alive and awake, prepared to
act with confidence and clarity.

It's common to feel too busy or out of shape to join a class -
yet this is precisely why it's beneficial to come!

Yoga is a priceless investment in your long-term happiness.
You leave each class feeling more at ease in your body,
less bothered by stress, and more present to joy.

Here you will be welcomed into a community that
accepts you and supports your desire to grow.
Our highly-trained teachers will safely challenge and inspire you.

This humble studio can be your urban sanctuary -
the place you come to remember who you are
and who you want to become.

Welcome to Grateful Yoga

  • Warrior 2 / Virabhadrasana Dwi


  • A diagram of the mind according to Vedantic philosophy


  • Assisted savanasa


  • Chair / Utkatasana


  • Supported savasana

    Looking inward

  • Pranayama instruction
